Tennis is our first unit during the Pathfinder School summer
session, and we’re pleased that we have some new day students joining us over the
next few weeks. Some students have
participated in tennis activities before; these students are showing their
leadership skills by demonstrating tennis skills and helping their peers. Some of these tennis skills we’ve worked on
at the Sports Court include:
Balancing the racquet on a body part
Shaking hands with the racquet (tennis stance)
“Walking the Dog,” in which the ball is the dog
and the racquet is the leash
Balancing the ball on the racquet
Bumping the ball forward off the racquet
“Tick Tock,”a modified skill that teaches
students how to hit a forehand stroke
is a sport that is great at so many levels: It’sfun and our students have had a
some belly laughs while practicing the skills. The sport encourages the
students to get outside and enjoy themselves. It’s a lifelong activity that
helps improve cardiovascular endurance and hand-eye coordination.
One of
the non-fitness benefits of tennis is that it encourages students who have
difficulty in communicating to use their language skills to make their needs
known. At Pathfinder School, we use the
Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) more-and-more. This is a low-tech approach that relies on
picture cards and a display board (typically a sturdy binder with Velcro
strips) that students may carry to talk to people who don’t know American Sign
Language. I have a larger board with
cards that show the words/pictures of tennis equipment, rules and skills, and
how to keep score. This board is yet
another way to engage students and get them excited about fitness.
Keep Active,
Miss Shirey
Miss Shirey
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