Friday, April 11, 2014

Keep our bodies healthy and our minds active!

 Spring is here and our students are welcoming the season with brand new books for our library! Mighty Milers is a program of the New York Road Runners(NYRR). The program encourages students to participate, go the distance, count their laps and earn free books for their school library. During March, each Pathfinder School student had a goal to walk one-half mile each week.  If the students reached their goal, then our school library receives free books for their efforts from NYRR. More information may be found at

 Each day we would play a game that involved the students wearing a pedometer and counting the number of laps walked around our gymnasium.  These games included races, music mania; drawing new shapes for each lap completed, figure 8 laps, quick sort, and so much more!  Our School to Work students also counted the number of miles they walked.

This program is fantastic because Mighty Miler’s focuses specifically on cardiovascular endurance; which is important for every individual. All together our students walked 144.75 miles during March! They walked enough to earn 100 free books for our library and to be added to a NYRR drawing to possibly win 400 additional books.  All of the students are very proud and excited when visiting the library as our books arrive.

  At the end of March, each student received a participation certificate. Some students walked enough miles to earn a “Run for Life” card, a marathon medal, and a t-shirt. This has been a great experience for our students, and I would highly recommend it as a school or class project for other educators.

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